Xavier Toledo's Portfolio

The idea behind digital computers may be explained by saying that these machines are intended to carry out any operations which could be done by a human computer.
-Alan Turing

Hi, my name is Xavier. Welcome to my portfolio website. Here, you will find more about my background and experience.

Thank you for your support!
my Picture
I'm available to assist you on your project!
HTML, CSS, and JS logos
I am a Data Scientist and Wed Developer,
trained in:
Python, SQL, R, JavaScript, and C#
Python logo
the popular programming language Python,
C# logo
C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET, MVC,
SQL logo
back end development, databases and SQL.

Sketch of an Audi sedan


I have been involved with data analytics and have worked alongside software development teams in the tourism, information security, health care, and banking sectors.

I am trained in Web Development, and presently attending BrainStation’s Data Science Boot Camp. I have experience in the following languages: Python, SQL, JavaScript, C#, HTML, CSS.

Contact me today!


For a sample of my current projects, please go to my page on GitHub, GitHub.com/datapro4hire, or by clicking on image below:

GitHub Logo
